19.Laptop Bed Esm W900

Alpine Linux is a lightweight, security-based Linux operating system. It doesn’t use the GNU C Library and instead uses Musl Libc. As a result, it is lightning-fast and perfect for headless servers, embedded systems, and desktop/laptop workstations that require a low footprint. Here’s how to install Alpine Linux on your system.

You’ll need to download Alpine Linux from the official website as an ISO file so that it can be flashed to a USB drive for installation purposes. To get your hands on Alpine, go to the official website.

Once you’ve made it to the official Alpine Linux website, click on the menu in the upper-right-hand corner, and select “Downloads.” Choosing “Downloads” will take you to the official Alpine Linux downloads page.

On the downloads page, locate “Extended,” and download the version that matches your desktop or laptop best. The ISO image is tiny — under a gigabyte. So the download process should be relatively quick.