Learning Nagios 3.0 is a comprehensive configuration guide to monitor and maintain your network and systems. It is a practical guide to setting up the Nagios 3.0 open source network monitoring tool, installing and configuring Nagios 3 on various operating systems. It will help understand system monitoring and how Nagios works. Nagios 3 is a system that watches to see whether hosts and services are working properly, and notifies users when problems occur. Nagios allows both the monitoring of services on its own, and the receipt of information about computer and service statuses from other applications. Nagios constantly checks other machines on your network and various services on those machines. It is a modular and flexible solution that uses plug-ins to do its job. This is a beginner-level book, which will introduce the Nagios tool for system and network monitoring to System Administrators who are interested in monitoring their systems. Knowledge of Linux System administration is expected. It will teach readers to secure their systems in a much improved manner. The focus is on teaching system administrators to secure their systems in a much improved manner incorporating the newer features of Nagios Version 3. It will teach beginners the basics of installation and configuration of Nagios version 3; it will show professionals who have already worked on earlier versions of Nagios the new features of Nagios like inheritance and the new internal functions like better check scheduling. The main purpose of system monitoring is to detect and report any system not working properly as soon as possible, so that you are aware of problems before users run into them. You can read more about the book here; https://subscription.packtpub.com/search Tags : nagios, nagios 3, netsaint, network monitoring, system monitoring, unix, linux, ubuntu, alerts, plugins, open source, perl You can read more about the book here: https://subscription.packtpub.com/search