How to: Secure My Network in Linux - Page 2

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Tcpdump cheat sheet with examples


Get started using tcpdump for network troubleshooting and monitoring with this comprehensive cheat sheet, which demonstrates different types of packet capture scenarios using actual tcpdump examples.

Enumerating a new network with Nmap


Learn about some basic Nmap flags that you can use to generate a quick and useful network map to discover the scope of a network in a new environment, troubleshoot and manage network traffic.

How to monitor network activity on a Linux system


Whether you are troubleshooting a network issue or verifying the security of your network, monitoring network activity is crucial to maintaining a secure Linux system. Learn about multiple great methods for monitoring network activity on a Linux system in this LinuxConfig tutorial.

20 Awesome Nmap Command Examples in Linux


Nmap is an awesome open-source network discovery and reconnaissance tool that can be used to improve network security by revealing detailed information about target hosts and identifying potential vulnerabilities. Learn about 20 helpful nmap commands in this LinuxTechi guide. 

Setting up port redirects in Linux with ncat


Ncat is essential for Linux network debugging and troubleshooting, and this powerful tool delivers a "useful, but potentially dangerous, option for creating a port redirection link". Learn how to set up port redirects with ncat in this tutorial.