Also known as Mandragore, this Gnutella worm is one of the first to infect peer-to-peer network shares When a virus writer succeeds at something new, the virus community calls it a "proof-of-concept" virus or worm. Gnuman (alias W32/GnutellaMan, . . .
Also known as Mandragore, this Gnutella worm is one of the first to infect peer-to-peer network shares When a virus writer succeeds at something new, the virus community calls it a "proof-of-concept" virus or worm. Gnuman (alias W32/GnutellaMan, Mandragore, GnutellaMandragore) is a proof-of-concept worm that only infects users of Gnutella and is not dangerous. The broader context of Gnuman is that future variations might be designed to infect other peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Gnuman is different from another Gnutella worm detected in June of 2000.

Gnuman can pose as any file name, but always has a length of 8192 bytes. Very few antivirus software companies have reported users infected from Gnumen. Gnuman currently ranks as a 2 on the ZDNet Virus Metre.

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