About 20 academics, business executives and members of government agencies begin meeting Monday behind closed doors in Washington, D.C., to discuss their concerns about wireless security. Called "A Roadmap to a Safer Wireless World," the forum will bring together people who typically don't communicate with each other, yet make decisions that impact the fate of wireless technology.. . .

About 20 academics, business executives and members of government agencies begin meeting Monday behind closed doors in Washington, D.C., to discuss their concerns about wireless security. Called "A Roadmap to a Safer Wireless World," the forum will bring together people who typically don't communicate with each other, yet make decisions that impact the fate of wireless technology. One such seldom mingling pair is business executives and academics, said Eugene Spafford, director of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance Security (CERIAS), the organization sponsoring the forum.

"In academia, we are used to looking out 10 or 15 years" and are accustomed to investigating things businesses don't particularly care about, Spafford said. "We are seldom consulted about these issues. We just sit there and say 'We told you so.'"

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