Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.0 Released with Improved Classification & Performance
The Apache SpamAssassin project has released version 4.0.0 of its renowned open-source anti-spam platform with numerous tweaks and bug fixes and improved classification, performance and handling of text in international languages. This release is an important milestone in the open source world, as Apache SpamAssassin has emerged as a testament to the security benefits of leveraging the open-source development model to combat the universal threat of spam email over the past two decades.
Guardian Digital has been using the Apache SpamAssassin framework as a component of its multi-layered business email security solution, EnGarde Cloud Email Security, from the beginning, and will be utilizing the updates and improvements in the 4.0.0 release to provide its clients with enhanced email protection. The company stands in support of both the Apache SpamAssassin project’s core values of transparency, collaboration and community involvement, as well as its anti-spam product. Guardian Digital spoke with Chair of the Apache SpamAssassin Project Management Committee Sidney Markowitz and Apache SpamAssassin PMC member Kevin A. McGrail to gain firsthand insight into the significance of this release and the key upgrades and improvements Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.0 offers.