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Security measures: Linux vs BSD


A good case can also be made that Linux is inherently more stable and secure than Microsoft products, either because it's based on a better core of code or because it's open source, and many individuals have a stake in monitoring and making repairs.. . .

Tool of the Month: Vipul's Razor


There are few things in life that annoy me as much as spam -- and I'm not talking about the canned meat by-product variety. Unsolicited ads are annoying in any form, but the nature of spam is parasitic as well: it steals time and bandwidth. So, for my money, anything that helps defeat spam is a Good Thing.. . .

New Vulnerability in OpenSSH


A new vulnerability in OpenSSH can, under some circumstances, be exploited by a local attacker to execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the root user. Exploiting this vulnerability requires that the "UseLogin" option be enabled, which most systems do not configure in the default installation. The vulnerability affects OpenSSH versions earlier than 3.0.2.. . .

Procmail Basics


In today's article, I'll build and configure procmail and get you started on a few basic recipes. In next week's article, I'll continue with some more complicated recipes and look at procmail's logging features.. . .

Do you Trust your System Logs?


A commonly used technique among computer crackers, and experienced thieves as well, is to erase their fingerprints from the crime scene. This usually means erasing or modifying the logs stored on the computer that will expose them if carefully examined. Unprotected . . .

Vulnerability Life Cycles


The vulnerability life cycle has three phases: the research/discovery phase -- in which both malicious and nonmalicious security researchers seek new holes in products; the disclosure phase -- in which the discoverer of the new vulnerability tells others about it; and . . .

Proxy Internet Access With Squid


At its simplest, a proxy server is a computer that accepts your requests for websites, makes the requests on your behalf (read: by proxy), and returns the results to you. With a proxy server, your Web browser never actually accesses any computers on the Internet. Web access is not all a proxy server can provide. Most proxy servers can proxy access to any Internet service. This means we can monitor FTP transfers and telnet sessions as well as Web browsing.. . .

On the Security of PHP, Part 2


The way to secure PHP scripts is through a carefully selected combination of configuration settings and safe programming practices. Based on the vulnerabilities that we have studied so far, we will now set forth to establish some rules that can help avoid dangerous situations. . . .

'Limpninja' Trojan horse emerges


Security watchers are speculating that hackers familiar with the ways of the ninja may be attempting to construct a distributed denial of service (DDos) network on compromised Secure Shell Hosts (SSHs). Threads on security newsgroups have suggested that hackers may be . . .

vsftpd-1.0.0 Released


Chris Evans, author of the "very secure" FTP daemon, has released version 1.0 of his software. The previous version included bandwidth control. Chris writes, "vsftpd is also extremely fast and scalable. vsftpd has achieved ~4000 concurrent users on a single machine, in a production environment.". . .

On the Security of PHP


This article will provide you an overview of various security issues with PHP and offer advice on secure PHP programming practices. PHP has achieved a stable and solid presence on the Web in the last several years, and its popularity as . . .

Fingerprinting Port 80 Attacks


bob writes, " recently wrote a paper on fingerprinting port80 attacks." These holes can allow an attacker to gain either administrative access to the website, or even the web server itself. This paper looks at some of the signatures . . .

ApacheWeek: 2.0 Security Summary


Two denial of service attacks were found in the Apache 2.0 code this week - both concerned with memory usage when sending large requests. The first was that the server did not respect the maximum header field length, and would consume memory indefinitely while reading a header line.. . .

Dave Dittrich Responds to WinXP Security Claim


Dave Dittrich, best known for his Honeynet and DDoS expertise, responds to claims made by Steve Gibson claiming that "raw sockets are the devil" in the latest OS by Microsoft. Dave writes, "Steve Gibson is *still* pushing "raw sockets are the devil?" Anyone (especially journalists) who are interested in this topic had best look into the details, not just take what Steve tells them.". . .

Good security administration is crucial


Firms should revamp their security admin rather than just avoiding Microsoft products, warns expert. Firms are being advised to tighten up on security administration rather than switch from Microsoft software to open source operating systems, as fears . . .

A Sysadmin's Security Basics


System administrators are no longer alone in their concern for security. The increase in high-profile virus attacks, and a general sense of heightened security, means that executives are likely to have security on their mind. It may be easier than ever . . .