Server Security

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Web server attacks doubled over the last year


Web server attacks have doubled over the course of the last year, despite increased spending on security. That's the main conclusion of a survey of more than 2,500 organisations, sponsored by security firms TruSecure and Predictive Systems. The survey found that . . .

BSD security fundamentals

data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22 has a copy of the presentation delivered by Sean Lewis at ToorCon 2001, held last weekend in San Diego, Calif. Lewis discusses BSD essential BSD security issues, working well as a primer for new and experienced users alike. Read all . . .

Improving the security of open UNIX platforms


This article takes a look at a little shell application that uses an innovative approach to increasing open UNIX security. A step-by-step analysis of the code is provided. The author's areas of expertise are in Web programming and cutting-edge network security development.. . .

vsFTPd Includes Bandwidth Control!


vsFTPd, the "very secure" FTP daemon, now includes the ability to control bandwidth by preventing the link from being saturated. "vsftpd is an FTP server, or daemon. The "vs" stands for Very Secure. Obviously this is not a guarantee, but a reflection that I have written the entire codebase with security in mind, and carefully designed the program to be resilient to attack.". . .

Bug Watch - Focus on operating systems


With yet another Linux-based vulnerability hitting last week, Mark Read, network security analyst at MIS Corporate Defence Solutions, delves into an age-old debate that fuels many a discussion. Yes, it's the same old story of Microsoft versus Linux in the race for optimum IT security. What everyone wants to know is, who will cross the finishing line first?. . .

The Safe Way to Remote Console


Building your own console server is easy. All you need is an old PC and some additional serial cards (most PCs come with only two ports). Multiport serial boards, such as those from Digi International, that install under Linux are available. . . .

A 'Tarpit' That Traps Worms


"LaBrea" is a free, open-source tool that deters worms and other hack attacks by transforming unused network resources into decoy-computers that appear and act just like normal machines on a network. But when malicious hackers or mindless worms such as Nimda . . .

Is Linux secure enough?


Although proponents argue that Linux is at least as secure-and perhaps more secure-than Unix, Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT or Novell Corp.'s NetWare, there is still concern at many federal agencies about the operating system's safety.. . .

FBI investigating new Internet worm


If Attorney General Ashcroft hadn't talked about this Windows worm on national TV, and received at least ten in my mailbox already, this would probably otherwise belong on an NT security web site, but certainly many of use have heterogeneous networks. Nimbda is Admin backwards... "The worm, known as "W32.Nimda," had affected. . .

A Perl Package for Monitoring Traffic


The rtr-graph package described in this article is a set of Perl scripts for polling routers (or other SNMP-enabled devices) for information about traffic in and out of specified interfaces. You can set up "rtr-traff" as a cron job to poll . . .

Linux Trojan spotted in the wild


"Eric Chien, chief researcher at Symantec's antivirus research centre, does not expect the virus to spread, principally because it lacks the self-replication characteristics that made Code Red and the Lion worm (which affected Linux servers) such nuisances. "I don't think . . .

Inside Jail


Jail chroots an environment and sets certain restrictions on processes which are forked from within. For example, a jailed process cannot affect processes outside of the jail, utilize certain system calls, or inflict any damage on the main computer. Jail is . . .

Security Review Gets No Respect From Managers


After project leaders pan vulnerability assessment, a Back Orifice demonstration quells the skeptics. My company is about to deploy a virtual private network (VPN). During a recent project meeting, the project manager asked each department representative to identify six tasks related . . .