Happy Monday fellow Linux geeks and Open Source enthusiasts! In this week's newsletter we examine and compare our favorite Linux backup solutions for preventing data loss in a ransomware attack, offer our top tips for securing a Linux system and speak with Oracle Linux developers to get exclusive insight into what makes Oracle Linux is a logical enterprise-ready CentOS replacement. Could Oracle Linux be the secure, logical CentOS replacement you're looking for?

Have a question about or a comment on one of this week's articles?  Let's discuss! Read on to get the details on these critical topics.

Yours in Open Source,

Brittany Signature 150 Esm W150

Best Linux Backup Solutions to Prevent Data Loss in a Ransomware Attack

13.Lock StylizedMotherboard Esm W204

In this article, you'll learn about our six favorite Linux backup solutions, and how they compare.

Learn more about best linux backup solutions

Could 'Unbreakable' Oracle Linux be the Logical Enterprise-Ready CentOS Replacement?

1.Penguin Landscape Esm W209

LinuxSecurity researchers speak with Oracle Linux developers to get exclusive insight into why Oracle Linux is a secure, logical enterprise-ready CentOS replacement- and more!

Learn more about could unbreakable oracle linux be the logical enterprise ready centos replacement

Top Tips for Securing Your Linux System

Here’s what you need to know to secure your Linux system against malware, rootkits and other dangerous attacks.

27.Tablet Connections Blocks Lock Esm W214Learn more about top tips for securing your linux system in 2020