Happy Monday fellow Linux geeks and Open Source enthusiasts! In this week's newsletter we examine and compare our favorite Linux backup solutions for preventing data loss in a ransomware attack, speak with Oracle Linux developers to get exclusive insight into what makes Oracle Linux is a logical enterprise-ready CentOS replacement and introduce our top six open-source vulnerability scanning tools. Could Oracle Linux be the secure, logical CentOS replacement you're looking for?

Have a question about or a comment on one of this week's articles?  Let's discuss! Read on to get the details on these critical topics.

Yours in Open Source,

Brittany Signature 150 Esm W150

Top 6 Vulnerability Scanning Tools


10.FingerPrint Locks Esm W209Learn about six of the best open-source vulnerability scanning tools that are free and adaptable to various operating systems. 


Learn more about top 6 vulnerability scanning tools

Could 'Unbreakable' Oracle Linux be the Logical Enterprise-Ready CentOS Replacement?

1.Penguin Landscape Esm W209

LinuxSecurity researchers speak with Oracle Linux developers to get exclusive insight into why Oracle Linux is a secure, logical enterprise-ready CentOS replacement- and more!

Learn more about could unbreakable oracle linux be the logical enterprise ready centos replacement

Best Linux Backup Solutions to Prevent Data Loss in a Ransomware Attack

13.Lock StylizedMotherboard Esm W204

In this article, you'll learn about our six favorite Linux backup solutions, and how they compare.

Learn more about best linux backup solutions