Happy Monday fellow Linux geeks and Open Source enthusiasts! In this week's newsletter we discuss disk encryption, its uses and types, and its advantages and disadvantages. We also show you how to encrypt a Linux hard drive and the various Linux encryption methods at your disposal.
In addition, we discuss what you need to know to get started ethical hacking on Linux.
Finally, we introduce some great tools that can be used for Linux database assessment and others that will help in securing databases.
Hope you enjoy!
Yours in Open Source,
Ethical hacking is analyzing a system without permission to try and discover vulnerabilities that hackers can use. Here's what you need to know to get started ethical hacking on Linux. Learn more about ethical hacking
Linux Database Security TipsSecuring databases is an essential practice to ensure that consequences such as data loss to even unauthorized access or system downtime is avoided. In this article, we will be introducing some great tools that can be used for Linux database assessment and others that will help in securing databases. Learn more about linux database security tips
In this article we discuss disk encryption, its uses and types, and its advantages and disadvantages. We also show you how to encrypt a Linux hard drive and the various Linux encryption methods at your disposal.