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DEA data theft raises privacy concerns


The prosecution of a Drug Enforcement Administration officer in Los Angeles on charges of selling data from a variety of restricted databases has privacy advocates again questioning whether government protections on private data are strict enough.

Resumes Get Hijacked Online


What a precious document is your resume - the deeply personal record of your status and achievement, your whole life contained in a couple of absolutely priceless pages. And on the open market, it is worth about 7 cents. . . .

More privacy to come this year


Having failed to pass any meaningful Internet privacy legislation last year even with a resounding mandate from most voters, Congress cannot afford to miss another opportunity to enact online privacy laws this year, lest the Internet be gridlocked by a myriad . . .

Privacy, Net tax high Congress agenda


Washington is more eager than ever to get its arms around the Internet, and much of the work of the 107th Congress will revolve around e-commerce and other online issues. For all the conventional hand-wringing over the perceived perils of a . . .