Anton Chuvakin writes "This article outlines the future of IP addressing (IPv6) and focuses on the security components of next generation IP services (IPsec). We list major components of IPsec and describe their functionality in terms of the security services they . . .
Anton Chuvakin writes "This article outlines the future of IP addressing (IPv6) and focuses on the security components of next generation IP services (IPsec). We list major components of IPsec and describe their functionality in terms of the security services they provide. Part II will be devoted to end-user issues with IPsec protocols and their common implementations."

" The Internet that came into existence in 1969 as a scientific government project grew up into a world of its own. What was simply a network of research and education computer sites is now a medium for communication, commerce, information gathering, research, education, dating and many other activities, including criminal ones, that once belonged in the "real" world. Many of the "physical world" crimes have developed their online counterparts (well, with the distinct exception of murder, at least so far). "

The link for this article located at Security Watch is no longer available.