Twenty Years On, Command-Line Virus Scanner ClamAV Puts Out Version 1
The ClamAV command-line virus scanner used on many Linux boxes has attained an important-looking milestone release: version 1.0.0.
It's not really the first finished version, of course. Open source version numbering is something of a work of fiction, up there with "Of course I love you" and "The check's in the post," but even so, this particular milestone has been a while in coming. ClamAV, which describes itself as "the open-source standard for mail gateway-scanning software", has finally emitted an official one-point-zero version, only six months after its 20th birthday – and what's more, it's a long-term support release, too.
Original developer Tomasz Kojm released the first version, 0.10, on May 8, 2002. As it's open source, since then, it's been ported to almost anything you're likely to find connected to the internet. It's included in the repos of most Linux distros, as well as FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD. It's also part of Apple's optional extra macOS Server package. Indeed it runs on most things, from OpenVMS to OS/2.