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The What, Why & How of SSH Protocol


"Modern challenges require modern security approaches." Enterprises must transition to using passwordless solutions in order to protect against emerging threats – which is where SSH key-based authentication comes in handy. Learn about the SSH protocol in this comprehensive article.

Let's Encrypt Has Issued a Billion Certificates


We issued our billionth certificate on February 27, 2020. We’re going to use this big round number as an opportunity to reflect on what has changed for us, and for the Internet, leading up to this event. In particular, we want to talk about what has happened since the last time we talked about a big round number of certificates -one hundred million.

Weakening Encryption Could Impact Election Security, Coalition Says


An election security group has said the Justice Department’s renewed calls for access to encrypted data could impact more than privacy, stating: “Any effort to diminish the effectiveness of encryption will inherently diminish the security and, potentially, the integrity, of our elections. Hostile actors will likely direct similar efforts at campaign officials, political organizations, and politically engaged individuals in future elections." What are your thoughts?